Coming Together with Love

Vulnerable Families Program

Vulnerable Families Outreach Program (VFP)

It has long been on our hearts to reach out to some vulnerable families in the community on a more sustainable level with 4 to 6 weekly food parcels, clothes, blankets and utensils.

Although we are aware that the need out there is so great that it can be almost paralyzing, with the starfish principle in mind, we are determined to start targeting a few families and supporting them as our funding and manpower allows. These will consist of mainly child headed homes. Our desire is not only to supply physical needs but also on the ground emotional support and encouragement.

One of our greatest supporters in this initiative is Container Ministries from Grace Church who send us dried soup mixes, mielie meal, Dorcas boxes, and blankets and then we have a few individual supporters who specifically want to be part of a campaign of alleviating hunger and make monthly donations which are earmarked for this particular projects.

We target any family that is in dire need and have no or very little income, such as perhaps only one child grant. During the Co-vid lockdown we increased this support substantially because the job losses caused much suffering.